It's also possible to set up working sets by file types. 按文件类型设置工作集也是可行的。
In our case, since we've only been working with one file, the history of the file and the history of the component will look very similar. 在我们的示例中,我们仅使用了单个文件,因此文件的历史记录和组件的历史记录非常相似。
The Check In button lets you upload the file for use by the team, and the Save as Working Draft button uploads the file while restricting access to the user who uploaded it. CheckIn按钮允许上载该文件以供团队使用,而SaveasWorkingDraft按钮将上载文件,同时限制对上载该文件的用户进行访问。
As the help facility indicates, working with a file object is simple. 正如帮助工具指出的,使用file对象很简单。
Rather than add all these variables no pun intended ensure that you start with a working VXML file. 不要添加所有这些变量(没有双关的意思),务必从一个可正常工作的VXML文件入手。
This will prevent a working BPWS file, and also prevent you from switching to the Process editor. 引入语法错误将会阻止有效的BPWS文件,还将阻止您切换到Process编辑器。
When your team works in parallel on different branches, often two people are working on the same file at the same time. 当您的团队在不同的部门中并发地工作时,通常有两个人同时处理同一个文件。
When working with a graphic file, such as a JPEG image, the compression doesn't work as well because the data is more difficult to de-duplicate. 当处理图形文件(例如JPEG图像)时,压缩就不那么好用了,因为数据更加难于减少重复。
You need to submit all files necessary to compile and run the program, and a working executable file. 您需要提交所有必要文件编译和运行该程序,一个工作的可执行文件。
When the server reconstructs its copy of the working file, the CRC will be compared to ensure that nothing was corrupted during transit. 当服务器重建工作文件的拷贝的时候,循环冗余检验将对比确认没有任何事情破坏传输。
When you're working on a file, it's saving constantly to RAM but also hopefully to disc, the hard disk so you don't actually lose it if the power goes off. 当你打开一个文件,它不断地保存在内存中,但对于光盘,硬盘,当你断开电源的时候,数据不会丢失。
You may be working in a read-only file. 您可能使用的是只读文件。
That way, if you make any mistakes, you can easily go back to a working file. 这样,如果你犯了什么错误,你可能轻易地返回到原文件。
If you have not save the working copy of the file, you will be in much despair. 如果您还没有保存的工作文件的副本,您将在很大的绝望。
Retrieves either the absolute path to current working file of the object, or if there is no current working file, the default filename prompt of the object. 检索该对象的当前工作文件的绝对路径,或者如果没有当前工作文件,则检索该对象的默认文件名提示。
This article discusses the implement course of Communication technology's reform and practice which based on the process of working from booking file, carry out the program and reform the Evaluation. 本文从教学文件的制定,教学方案的实施和考核方式的改革等方面,探讨了基于工作过程的高职“通信技术”课程改革与实践的实施过程。
This is true regardless of whether the person is working on the file on their hard disk or on the server. 无论用户在使用硬盘中还是服务器中的文件,都存在这一情况。
If a project file is not specified, msbuild searches the current working directory for a file name extension that ends in "proj" and uses that file. 如果未指定项目文件,则msbuild在当前工作目录中搜索扩展名以“proj”结尾的文件并使用该文件。
OneNote encountered a problem while working with| 0, do you want to save the working copy of this file? onenote使用0时遇到问题,您是否希望保存该文件的工作副本?
To save a complete file, clear the allow fast saves check box when you finish working on the file, and then save it one last time. 若要保存完整的文件,请在完成对文件的处理后,清除“允许快速保存”复选框,然后进行最后一次保存。
I'm bored with today's working and catching file all the day. 今天的工作很无聊我一直在打哈欠。
If you are working with an existing file system Web site, you do not have to create a new page. 如果使用现有的文件系统网站,则不必创建新页。
Messages are extracted into a working file to be translated and compiled into a hash table. 信息被提取到工作文件中进行翻译,并被编译成一张哈希表。
The SCM tool's Checkout command not only informs the server of the checkout request, but it also flips the bit on the working file to make it writable. 配置管理工具的签出命令不只是告诉服务器签出的请求,它还请求将工作文件变更为可写。
We can save our working doc as a PSD file and export for web use later as a GIF file. 我们可以节省我们作为一个PSD文件和网络使用的出口工作文件后为GIF文件。
There is a working file, but the SCM tool has no hidden state information about it. 这是一个工作文件,但是配置管理工具没有关于它的隐藏状态信息。
By using this package, the 63-group multigroup constants working file MC is generated and interconnected with the nuclear engineering criticality safety Monte Carlo NEMCS program. By which the effective multiplication factors of Pu and U systems are calculated, the primary results are satisfied. 利用这个程序包产生了63群多群常数工作库MC,将它与核工程临界安全计算MonteCarlo程序NEMCS相联接,并计算了Pu和U系统的有效增殖因数,取得了初步满意的结果。
The new management will change the traditional management model, help to raise working efficiency and make the file management of equipments and instruments informative. 从数据库的管理优点,以及应用中所需注意的有关问题和要求,说明用其管理方法来改变传统的管理模式,有效提高工作效率,使系部仪器设备档案管理信息化。
The malpractice tort work is responsible to the national office working to personnel file malpractice crime investigation, it can make the procedural correct supervision and substantive responsible for supervising, it can make the judicial justice effectively safeguard. 反渎职侵权工作负责对国家机关工作人员渎职犯罪立案侦查,可以使程序性纠正监督与实体性责任监督有机结合,使司法公正得到切实的保障。
For generation module, it save the source data of data centre of safety analysis on working face into XML file of corresponding report template, and insert the related pictures into the corresponding place of templates by combining with Acrobat IAC. 报告生成模块主要实现把工作面安全分析数据中心的源数据存入对应报告模版的XML格式数据文件中,并结合AcrobatIAC技术把相关图片插入模版对应位置。